18 September 2012

Just because I cannot speak, does not mean I don't have anything to say

The Writing Wanderer: 

Sept. 18. 2012.

Worn out. Very difficult to wonder why my whole body won't let me use words. it hurts becoming older because always people think i don't understand. I hate it!! I understand not wanting to live with me, but sometimes people don't even let me be part of having a mind 

[Omega was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome at the age of 4. Rett syndrome is degenerative condition that may share similar charateristics to Parkinsons, only that it affects young children, and for unknown reasons, only girls and women.

One of the ways that Omega communicates is through "facilitation". Because she does not have control over her body, she needs someone to stabilise and pull back her hand (resistance) so that she can focus all of her energy towards the letters. Each word is spelt letter by letter with much difficulty because it is so hard to focus. Omega completed grade 12 (secondary school). Since then, facilitated communication has been much more difficult because it requires so much time and effort. There is less and less practice, and very few people who are willing to take the time and dedicate the effort to practice with Omega, and learn her ways. Facilitation  relies on incredible patience from both people involved - but Omega usually communicates easily, with Yes/No questions... pointing to the left side of the palm of ones hand for "yes" and the right side for "no"].

from the archives and the recent communications: M.

 Alpha and Omega do not want M. to be so absent from our updates... 

from the archives:

And a little more recent photo, from Senegal: 

the mother and child reunion

The fresh and the harvested, reunited together in our kitchen to bring warmth to our evenings, after days spent working, walking, writing, swimming, reading, listening ...

The days fly by, but nevertheless, every day we converge in the evening  to prepare food together, to savour and enjoy.

When Alpha arrived in Waterloo, there was a card on her little desk in the upstairs room with a quote from Virginia Woolf: "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well". 
With that in mind: 

from one of the chili plants, and a blissfully fragrant basil

tomatoes from the garden, combined later with

the start a of mix of flavours, inspired by Andalucia  

fresh salsa; rice with fresh herbs


And a few days later:

onions and spices

add: rapini, fresh tomatoes and oranges

with toasted almonds & raisins soaked in wine
(....the mother and child reunion)

 And for Sunday dinner (with lovely visits from family and friends to enjoy the last summery- autumn days together):

ground lamb with prunes, allspice, garlic, orange rind, chives and parsley
For lamb meatballs

fig, feta, pomegranate salad... with white balsamic
Life is beautiful.

12 September 2012

Awesome Appetite

We have been enjoying the plenties of the late August harvest, fresh from the farmers' markets in the region, and spoiled by the wonderful wizardry of the woman that taught us our appreciation for a freshly picked heriloom tomato, still warm from the sun, with a fresh basil leaf, goat's milk feta ... simple... heavenly especially with a cold glass of Retsina...

In our restlessness, we took a break from the daily routines (which, are truly not that arduous!) for a  
 day-trip to Toronto
... beautiful day of strolling on Roncesvalles and Queen West with our mother and O.,, complete with an amazing feast for our sense and tastes (and a reminder of our time in Italy!!) at Terroni

Omega's pizza was what we call a "Ratatouille moment" (from the film): thin thin crust, with mozzarella, gargonzola, toasted walnuts, baked pears, honey and prosciutto...

01 September 2012

writing in process...


Writing Wanderer: imaginings

I wish it was easier to write

I sit with a tall dark stranger, it is all super impressive people all kinds of artists, tv stars, writers, all lively. It is in a ballroom with tiny white lights. It is wonderful, I am wearing a white, wispy dress, brushed copper jewellery...

[not sure where this is going, but we will add to it when we can...]


"I came, I saw, I uncorked"

The following photos bring to mind postcards on the fridge of M. (and Alpha's) flat in Tewkesbury:

"By Jupiter, forgot! I am weary; yea, my memory is tired. Have we no wine here?" (Coriolanus)

 "Go fetch to me a pint o wine, And fill it in a silver tassie; That I may drink before I go, A service to my bonie lassie" (R. Burns)

So what shall it be, dear readers? We would so love for you to join us together for a glass, to share a drink together, for life, for travel, for challenge and adventure. If only we could be in the same place!

After a day of touring the Niagara wine region, we have two favorites (from the same winery!)

Locust Lane:
Or Terroir Cache Meritage:

We spent a beautiful, indulgent sun-filled day driving through familiar lanes of Jordan, Vineland, Beamsville, Ontario... wine country:

At Harbour Estates, with pinot grise, walking past rows of Cabernet Franc:

At times there was too much talking, not enough tasting! (or was that too much tasting and not enough picnicking? 

Tawse winery in Vineland, with their incredible biodynamic wine-making system... incredible wine too!!

And our collective favorite, Hidden Bench, where we had our picnic on the patio, with glasses of Locust Lane and Terroir Cache... (photo above)

Yes, the good life continues... 

And onwards we continue...