Sept. 18. 2012.
Worn out. Very difficult to wonder why my whole body won't let me use words. it hurts becoming older because always people think i don't understand. I hate it!! I understand not wanting to live with me, but sometimes people don't even let me be part of having a mind
[Omega was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome at the age of 4. Rett syndrome is degenerative condition that may share similar charateristics to Parkinsons, only that it affects young children, and for unknown reasons, only girls and women.
One of the ways that Omega communicates is through "facilitation". Because she does not have control over her body, she needs someone to stabilise and pull back her hand (resistance) so that she can focus all of her energy towards the letters. Each word is spelt letter by letter with much difficulty because it is so hard to focus. Omega completed grade 12 (secondary school). Since then, facilitated communication has been much more difficult because it requires so much time and effort. There is less and less practice, and very few people who are willing to take the time and dedicate the effort to practice with Omega, and learn her ways. Facilitation relies on incredible patience from both people involved - but Omega usually communicates easily, with Yes/No questions... pointing to the left side of the palm of ones hand for "yes" and the right side for "no"].