01 September 2012

"I came, I saw, I uncorked"

The following photos bring to mind postcards on the fridge of M. (and Alpha's) flat in Tewkesbury:

"By Jupiter, forgot! I am weary; yea, my memory is tired. Have we no wine here?" (Coriolanus)

 "Go fetch to me a pint o wine, And fill it in a silver tassie; That I may drink before I go, A service to my bonie lassie" (R. Burns)

So what shall it be, dear readers? We would so love for you to join us together for a glass, to share a drink together, for life, for travel, for challenge and adventure. If only we could be in the same place!

After a day of touring the Niagara wine region, we have two favorites (from the same winery!)

Locust Lane:
Or Terroir Cache Meritage:

We spent a beautiful, indulgent sun-filled day driving through familiar lanes of Jordan, Vineland, Beamsville, Ontario... wine country:

At Harbour Estates, with pinot grise, walking past rows of Cabernet Franc:

At times there was too much talking, not enough tasting! (or was that too much tasting and not enough picnicking? 

Tawse winery in Vineland, with their incredible biodynamic wine-making system... incredible wine too!!

And our collective favorite, Hidden Bench, where we had our picnic on the patio, with glasses of Locust Lane and Terroir Cache... (photo above)

Yes, the good life continues... 

And onwards we continue...

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